Case Study

Identity & Access Management – Diversified

By February 2, 2024 June 25th, 2024 No Comments

IAM Case Study

About The Client

The SDG client is a top US-based multinational, diversified conglomerate with products and services ranging from jet engines to power generation, financial services to water processing, and medical imaging to media content. The company serves customers in more than 100 countries and initially engaged SDG to perform analysis of their digital security infrastructure and application architecture.

Project Considerations

As part of the client’s global digital security program, an enterprise-wide Identity Management (IDM) initiative was introduced. The primary objective of the project involved building a highly available, secure environment and designing a migration strategy for moving current applications to a global IDM framework

The solution needed to address the client’s complex business, IT, audit, compliance, and operational challenges, including:

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Procedural problems, manual handover-takeover tasks, and unpredictable duration of the identity provisioning processes

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Insufficient developer support

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Lack of automated connectors for integration with source or target systems

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Data quality issues in source systems (e.g. ETH: catalog containing descriptions and dataset of external employees, contractors and suppliers)

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Ineffective support of compliance and internal audit functions (segregation of duties) and inadequate reporting functionality

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Missing arching functions (expanding database)

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Architectural problems that could not be addressed with existing solutions

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Complex role lifecycle management processes and nested and redundant role profiles

Key Solution Features

After careful consideration of multiple vendors, the client chose SDG to design, architect, and help implement a platform that provided unified, enterprise-wide management of identity lifecycle processes that addressed their challenges on a global scale.

Considering the client’s extensive user base, the solution requirements, and the project resource parameters, SDG developed a comprehensive situation analysis and solution recommendation addressing their IDM infrastructure needs associated with:

Integration of Corporate IDM, corporate directory and MIIS, Online (AD and AZD/Open SSO) and offline connector development of the related systems

Enhanced and effective identity lifecycle (on-boarding, off-boarding, job change, & transfer)

Segregation of duties and control

Access reviews and periodic access certification

Role-based access control with role rationalization

Improved user request response and fulfillment times

Improved ease of use and enhanced user experiences

Enhanced reporting framework

The Results

The SDG platform now provides unified management for identity lifecycle processes:


Common functionality encapsulated in the core of the platform while allowing for customization of each business unit’s immediate and future needs

Better manageability and consistency across multiple implemented IDM solution(s)

Faster turnaround time and reduced costs for implementations and support operations as new businesses units are on-boarded to the standardized enterprise framework

The ability to create a single worker identity with unified view of access rights and non-digital asset custodianship

Creation of full audit trail of changes to access rights (including before/after snapshot of rights)

Achieve More With Your IAM Program

Clients recognize and trust SDG for its thought leadership and an unwavering commitment to delivering frictionless engagements that enable clients to manage cyber risk and secure their data and infrastructure assets. To learn how SDG can help your organization ensure the security and compliance of your technology and data infrastructure visit:

About SDG

SDG is a global cybersecurity, identity governance, risk consulting, and advisory firm that advises and partners with clients to address their complex security, compliance, and technology needs and delivers on strategy, transformation, and long-term management of their cybersecurity and IAM programs.

About TruOps

TruOps is a global provider of audit, compliance, and cyber risk management software and managed service solutions that enable organizations to identify, report, manage, and mitigate enterprise-wide IT and regulatory risk. Comprised of highly integrated modules, the TruOps Integrated Risk Management platform is a flexible, easy-to-deploy and operate cloud solution. TruOps reduces risk management complexity, streamlines the risk assessment process, and delivers comprehensive, real-time awareness and insight of risk across the internal organization and its extended third-party environment. For TruOps clients that means confidence and assurance in their ability to make informed risk decisions to securely grow their business.

SDG [Technology + Passion] - Risk