In order to control how new users can contribute to a Drupal website, the options for user validation should be reviewed to achieve the right balance of user convenience and security for the application. Establishing an authentication tool, such as CAS, Shibboleth, OAuth, or LDAP, will greatly simplify this process for users and admins. In addition, the implementation of a validation module will enable anonymous users to enter content and/or comments.
CAPTCHA/reCAPTCHA is a very effective and popular tool for preventing bots or other automated tools from creating spam by requiring human-like reasoning. The downside is that some users can find it frustrating to interact with images or text they find hard to read. Honeypot can also be used as a bot deterrent and, while not quite as effective as CAPTCHA, most users find it much less intrusive. Mollom, while more complicated to configure, supports ease of use while still being a very effective tool for preventing comment spam and allowing anonymous users to post comments.